Dialling into Morocco: Country Code, Calling Tips, and eSIM vs Local SIM

Ah, Morocco! A land of vibrant souks, aromatic spices, and mesmerising landscapes. As you plan your journey to this North African gem, staying connected with loved ones and sharing your experiences becomes paramount. But how do you navigate the maze of country codes, SIM cards, and calling apps? Fear not, traveller, for we've got you covered. In this guide, we'll unravel the mysteries of making calls in Morocco and help you choose between an eSIM and a local SIM.

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Staying Connected in the Moroccan Magic

Imagine wandering through the labyrinthine streets of Marrakech, the scent of exotic spices wafting through the air, or trekking the vast dunes of the Sahara, with stars illuminating the night. Morocco, with its rich tapestry of culture, history, and landscapes, promises an adventure like no other. But amidst these enchanting experiences, there's a modern necessity we can't ignore: staying connected. Whether it's to share a mesmerising sunset over Chefchaouen with friends back home or to navigate the bustling medinas, understanding the intricacies of phone connectivity in Morocco is essential. In this guide, we'll demystify the Moroccan country code, delve into the world of eSIMs and local SIMs, and explore the power of communication apps. So, buckle up, dear traveller, as we embark on this digital journey in the heart of North Africa.

The Magic Number: Morocco's Country Code

Every country has its unique identifier when it comes to phone calls, and for Morocco, it's +212. Whether you're dialling from the bustling streets of London or the serene landscapes of New Zealand, this is the magic number you'll prefix before the local number. For instance, if someone from the UK wishes to call a friend in Marrakech, they'd start with +212 followed by the friend's number.

Making Calls in Morocco: A Step-by-Step Guide

Understanding the nuances of making calls while in a foreign country can be a tad confusing. Here's a breakdown to help you out:

  1. From Abroad to Morocco: Dial your country's exit code, followed by Morocco's country code (+212), and then the local number. For instance, if you're calling from the USA, you'd dial 011 + 212 + local number.
  2. Within Morocco: Simply dial the local number. If you're using a foreign phone, remember to use +212.
  3. From Morocco to Abroad: Dial 00, your desired country's code, and then the local number. For example, to call the UK, you'd dial 00 + 44 + local number.

Tip: Save your contacts with the +212 prefix to avoid confusion while dialling.

eSIM vs Local SIM: Which is Best for You?

The age-old debate for modern travellers: to eSIM or not to eSIM? Let's dive into the pros and cons of each.


  • Pros: No need for a physical card, easy to set up, can be used alongside a local SIM.
  • Cons: Not all phones support eSIM, can be slightly more expensive.

Local SIM

  • Pros: Cheaper local rates, widely available, supports all unlocked phones.
  • Cons: Requires a physical swap, potential compatibility issues.

For a deeper dive into staying connected in Morocco, check out our comprehensive comparison of Maya, Airalo, and buying a local SIM.

The Power of Apps: WhatsApp and More

In today's digital age, apps like WhatsApp have revolutionised the way we communicate. By using Morocco's robust internet infrastructure, you can make calls, send texts, and even video chat without incurring additional charges. It's a game-changer for staying in touch without breaking the bank. For instance, many locals and tourists alike rely on WhatsApp to make international calls, as it offers clear voice quality without the hefty price tag.

Key Takeaways

  • Morocco's country code is +212.
  • Consider your needs and phone compatibility when choosing between eSIM and local SIM.
  • Apps like WhatsApp offer a cost-effective way to stay connected.

Common Misconceptions

Misconception: You can use any SIM in Morocco. Fact: Ensure your phone is unlocked to use a Moroccan SIM.

Misconception: eSIMs work on all phones. Fact: Only certain modern phones support eSIM functionality.


Morocco beckons with its rich culture and stunning landscapes. As you embark on this journey, staying connected shouldn't be a hassle. With our guide in hand, you're now equipped to navigate the world of country codes, SIM choices, and communication apps. So, dial in, share those mesmerising sunset photos, and let Morocco's magic unfold.

For further insights and travel tips, explore our Travel Hacks or discover the best things to do in Agadir.

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